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Lease agreement, deposit return, landlord’s consent to accommodation and other situations related to the lease


The webinar will be held in English.

Od: 18:00 do: 21:00

Kde: online ZOOM

„Lease agreement, deposit return, landlord's consent to accommodation and other situations related to the lease“

When: 1. 7. 2021, 18:00 - 21:00

Where: ZOOM (the link will be sent to registered participants)

We are pleased to invite you to a lecture on the topic: Lease agreement, deposit return, landlord's consent to accommodation and other situations related to the lease. The lecture is targeted primarily at EU citizens and their families.

The lecturer is Zsofia Folk. She is a lawyer with extensive experience in the field of immigration law and the issue of foreign nationals.

Registration here: https://forms.gle/Ud9ontU4VtiksnKf8

Contact: yurkevich@inbaze.cz


Nájemní smlouva, kauce, souhlas pronajímatele s ubytováním a další situace  související s pronájmem“.

Kdy: 1. 7. 2021, 18:00 - 21:00

Kde: ZOOM (link vám zašleme po registraci)

Přednáška bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce.

Lektorka: právnička, Mgr. Zsofia Folková

Registrace zde: https://forms.gle/Ud9ontU4VtiksnKf8

Kontakt: yurkevich@inbaze.cz