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Community activities

Multicultural days and holiday celebrations

Multicultural holiday celebrations are conceived as days for the whole family, when on the occasion of Advent, Shrovetide and Easter, foreigners and Czechs have the opportunity to spend the whole day at the cancer estate during activities related to the holiday. For foreigners, these holidays are an opportunity to know and experience what these holidays mean in the Czech cultural and religious context, and at the same time share how they celebrate similar holidays in their home countries, how they miss them, etc. The all-day program includes a morning block , getting acquainted with the history of holidays and traditions and sharing in a group, followed by a common themed lunch supplemented with a traditional cooking workshop, a creative program, a musical or theater performance and a common spiritual stop. For children there is a special themed all-day program. These celebrations are very popular with an average of 50-60 people from both foreigners and Czechs, including representatives of the local community.


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